Friday, October 21, 2011

Before October Ends...

I need a few hours in a good cemetary with some cloves. nothing feels like october more than that. i don't know if anyone else likes cemetaries or not but i love them, just to sit in, it's peaceful. especialy the old ones. So yes, hopefuly one day before October is over i'll get my day to do that.
prefereably that exact cemetary, it's the best one in my opinion, well the best one within a reasonable distance of me, i'm sure there's one I'd like better somewhere else in the country, or world for that matter. but yes, i need to go here soon.

and these cloves, not the brown ones. or the other ones. ahhh perfection. now i better make this happen or i'll be really diappointed


  1. Now that you've posted it, I pretty sure that means you have to do it :P

  2. That does sound like close to perfection. Almost makes me want to take up smoking lol. But not as much as smoking outside staring up at the stars, but hey I can do that in a cemetery too.

  3. @kathy yea i know now that i posted i'm definately going to have to!

  4. @mark i'm glad someone agrees! and i've always felt cemetaries are best at night, but that's something i just can't do myself or i get freaked out (because of the dark not the cemetary itself) but this is definately on my to do list for the month! and you don't have to be a smoker to enjoy a cig and some peace every now and then :)

  5. Where can you still buy clove cigarettes?

  6. @christian i'm really not sure, but i'm pretty sure i saw them in the 7-11 by me one day...i thought they were illegal or some shit, but i've seen them around
